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My dear, there is an assumption here that fat = unhealthy. I am a mind-body wellness coach and would like to introduce you to some medical research results. These may shock you. You can read about them here -Health at Every Size.

  1. The bulk of epidemiological evidence suggests that five pounds “underweight” is more dangerous than 75 pounds “overweight.”
  2. Multiple studies are suggesting that a focus on weight as a health criterion is often misdirected and harmful
  3. Using BMI as a proxy for health, traditional approaches misidentify those who need intervention.
  4. A recent government survey indicated that over half the “overweight” adults (51.3%) being targeted are metabolically healthy, and one in four “normal weight” (23.5%) metabolically unhealthy adults are overlooked.
  5. Singling out larger children and youth for weight-related interventions in schools increases both anxiety for the child and stigmatization, prejudice, and harassment towards the child.
  6. The only achievement of the belief that FAT is to be FEARED is that 81% of 10-year-olds admit to dieting, binge eating, or a fear of getting fat and we are now seeing eating disorders in children as young as five.

There is lots more where that came from. Apparently it isn't just illness which is big business. MISDIAGNOSING people so that more and more fall into the category of diabetic/ obese is HUGE business.

God created people in different sizes. Each of us has a size that is right for us. But mine may not be the same as yours.

All said and done, we MUST FOCUS only on HEALTHY BEHAVIOURS -eat well, eat fresh, avoid processed / artificial foods, get out & get fresh air, move your body in the way that you enjoy. This is ALL that matters. Size doesn't. Weight doesn't.

And if all these healthy behaviours do not lead to weight loss, do not despair! Weightloss is not indication of increased health. Stay abreast of inner measures of health like your thyroid status, lipid profile, anaemia, breast or cervical or prostate health, blood pressure etc. HEALTH IS MORE THAN WEIGHT. Life is more than the pursuit of a tighter belt. Enjoy Life!

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